If you walk outside today, you can almost feel the autumn chill in the air! Although it’s not quite cold enough to turn on your heat, you do need to start thinking about it for when the time comes. We want to help you enjoy the season comfortably and help you save money on your heating service and heating repair. These tips will help you achieve both of these goals.

  1. Start adding insulation – Use this time to start insulating your home to trap the heat indoors.
  2. Seal all cracks and gaps – Locate cracks, leaks, or gaps that allow heat to escape and seal them up. A heating repair expert can really help with this aspect of the job.
  3. Switch out furnace filter – Just like you would for your AC unit, make sure to change out your heat pump or furnace’s air filter so it can run efficiently.
  4. Fine-tune your thermostat – Focus on setting your thermostat to at 68° during the day time and lower during the night. This will save you lots of money over the course of the winter.
  5. Use the power of the sun and bundle up – Open up the curtains and let the sun work its magic to heat your home. Never underestimate a cozy blanket to add warmth rather than turning up the thermostat.